166: Expandable-section break without corresponding heading

A block of text in your document contains just the three characters +++ or + +. This creates an expandable-section break (or expandable-subsection break respectively). An expandable section is content associated with an expandable-section heading and can be toggled visible or hidden. However, in your case a corresponding expandable-section heading could not be found.


If you did not mean to mark the end of an expandable section and just want to print literal plus signs, you can prepend a backslash, for example: \+++

If you did mean to mark the end of an expandable section, make sure that it is matched with a corresponding heading like in the following example:

+++ Details +++

This is usually not visible but can be toggled open, if the
reader clicks on the section heading, in this case "Details".


This is always visible as the expandable section ends above.

Note that an expandable section does not need to be terminated with +++ or + +. Expandable sections also end at the next heading of the same or higher level, where

marks the main heading,
--- and +++
mark section headings,
- - and + +
mark subsection headings.

Expandable sections inside quotation blocks or embedded Aneamal files also end at the end of the quotation or embedded file automatically. Do not mark the end of an expandable section manually in such cases, for example:

--- Dogs ---

+ + Pugs + +

This is an expandable subsection about pugs.

--- Cats ---

This is not inside the expandable pug subsection anymore,
since the section heading "Cats", being a higher level heading,
has terminated the subsection already. So trying to end the
expandable subsection right here would result in an error.