91: Line feed missing after heading

The characters ===, --- or - - at the beginning of a block create a heading, which is closed with the same three characters. It is possible to add sublines below the heading. However, your heading is followed by content on the same line.


Make sure that sublines are placed on a new line below the heading:

=== Rebel Without a Cause ===
Starring James Dean
In cinemas from October 27

If you did not mean to define a subline and instead wanted to start a paragraph beneath the heading, make sure there is a blank line between heading and paragraph.

=== Little Red Riding Hood ===

Once upon a time …

The characters --- and - - can also be used as section breaks. In that case make sure --- or - - are the only characters in their block.


This is a paragraph between two section breaks. There
are blank lines between the section breaks and this


If you did not mean to create a heading or section break but want to use these characters at the start of a block literally, you can prepend a backslash like this: \---