105: Origin already set

In a multi-tagged list you can set an origin by using one empty tag pair <><>. You used an empty tag pair at least twice within the same list, which is not allowed.


Consider the following condensed truth table. It illustrates the binary logical AND-relation, which is also known as logical conjunction and symbolized by the operator ∧:

0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1

This is how the truth table is written as a double-tagged list in Aneamal:

<><> ∧
<0><0> 0
<0><1> 0
<1><0> 0
<1><1> 1

As you can see, the operator ∧ is associated with two empty tags <><>. This item is called origin and its content is placed in the top-left table cell in the output. Like any other tag combination you can use the empty tag pair of the origin only once in each multi-tagged list.


Make sure you use an empty tag pair <><> at most once in a multi-tagged list.