Samstag, 14. Mai 2005: Potsdam

Am 14. Mai hielt ich meinen Jogging-Pfad vom Tag zuvor und danach in Bildern fest. Der Weg führte durch Golm und Eiche. Zur Orientierung: am nördlichsten Punkt stehe ich beim Aufnehmen von Bild 23, am westlichsten bei Bild 43, im Süden beim Fotografieren von 66 – Bild 74 ist vom östlichsten Punkt aus aufgenommen.

1 – Today I documented yesterday’s and tomorrow’s jogging track. I really focussed on the way itself and not on the sights around. The average distance between two photos is about 100 meters. I start at my parents’ house.
2 – Standing in front of my parents’ house and looking left.
3 – Golmer Fichten – the street my parents live in. I’ll turn right behind the sixth car at the right side of the street.
4 – The sign in the center prohibits about everything that could annoy pensioners such as dogs and soccer. I’ll turn left at the end of this way.
5 – Bus stop “Golmer Fichten”. I’ll turn right at the end of the street.
6Am Zachelsberg/In der Feldmark – On the left there’s a part of Potsdam’s University. These are new buildings, but the University does also use historic buildings. At the end of the street I’ll turn right.
7Karl-Liebknecht-Straße/Am Zachelsberg – Leaving the street. Behind the railway you can see the Fraunhofer Institute.
11 – I’ll turn left at the end of the way.
12An der Bahn – Having left this way behind me, I’ll turn right.
13 – I’m not standing on my jogging way right now. I come from the right and will turn right again to disappear between the trees in the middle of this picture.
17An der Bahn – This is one of fifteen pictures I took in the afternoon, because the original photos taken shortly before noon were too dark. My camera was quite cheap so the exposure time isn’t adjustable.
18 – At the left you can see a rape(seed) field. Weird word... Rape(seed) is grown to produce bio diesel.
19 – I’ll turn right before the bridge and later cross it.
23Golmer Chaussee – I come from the way at the left side and run along the street. It crosses the bridge you could see before. I’ll be almost at top of that hill in the next picture.
24 – Just like the traffic sign indicates, I’ll turn left on top of the hill.
25Geiselberg – Looking down the hill: the fire-brigade.
26 – I’ll leave the street now and take the way besides it. At the left you can see the Max-Planck-Institute (and its parking lot).
27 – I’ll cross the parking lot now.
28Parkplatz, Max-Planck-Campus – I come from the right and follow the winding way to the little trees in the huge buckets in the middle of the picture and turn left then.
29 – Behind this little bridge I’ll turn right.
30 – I’ll take the way going to the left.
31 – At the end of this short way I’ll turn right.
32Am Mühlenberg, Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung
33 – I’ll cross the street and go straight on.
34 – I’ll leave this way and head right where this way turns a little to the left.
35Fußweg nahe des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Angewandte Polymerforschung
37 – Fraunhofer Institute. I’ll cross the bridge and turn left then.
38 – Now I’ll go around the corner.
39 – I come from the left and will take the red way now.
40Am Mühlenberg
42 – I come from the left and will take this path now. You can see a part of my bike I used when taking these photos today.
45 – At the end of the path I’ll turn right.
48Fußweg parallel zum Kossätenweg – You can see the new buildings of Potsdam’s university again. But there’s the railway between us now.
52Kossätenweg/Thomas-Müntzer-Straße – At the left side beside the bushes is the station Golm, but I’ll go ahead.
57 – When this sand way turns right I’ll go left instead.
58Thomas-Müntzer-Straße – The little path I take.
60 – If I’d turn left now I’ll come home very soon. But I don’t.
62 – I take the way at the left side of the street.
64 – I’ll stand at the very end of this way when I take the next photo.
65 – The way left is the entrance of the barracks HienTau went to when doing his military service. I’ll go ahead.
66 – Reiherbergstraße/Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße/Kuhforter Damm
68 – The way has ended and I follow the street that was next to it.
73 – I’ll turn left at the traffic lights.
74Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße/Am Alten Mörtelwerk
77 – I’ll turn left again behind the white booth selling asparagus.
78Am Alten Mörtelwerk/Am Langen Berg – At the end of the street I’ll turn left.
79 – At the top of this little hill I’ll turn right.
80Altes Rad/Kahlenbergstraße/Baumschulenweg
82 – Now I’ll turn right at the green fence in the middle of the photo and use a narrow path.
84 – I won’t follow the path to its end but turn left at the street.
85In der Feldmark
86 – I’ll turn left at the first of these houses.
87 – You can already see my parents’ terraced house in the background.
91 – Back at home. Now you should be able to run along my jogging track too. :)

Original von, bearbeitet von M. Janecke. Lizenz: CC-BY-SA-2.0.